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Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Herb Clinic | Honolulu, Hawaii
Diabetes has become a common disease, as more than 1 million Americans will be diagnosed with Diabetes, this year alone. Diabetes is considered a long-term condition, however the symptoms are are manageable and greatly diminished by using alternative healing modalities like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
If you have Diabetes, this means that your body isn’t producing enough insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the pancreas is considered to be part of the Spleen organ system, and the root cause of Diabetes is viewed as a correctable energetic disharmony.
Type I Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself and the ability to produce insulin cells. Type II Diabetes accounts for more than 90% of Diabetes in American, and it is often a disease caused by poor nutrition and a lack of regular exercise. The theories behind treatment strategies can vary, both Type I and Type II Diabetes can be treated and managed effectively with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine may be used to help reduce the dependency on insulin. The best approach approach treating Diabetes often includes a team of health care providers, but if you or someone you know if suffering from Type I or Type II Diabetes be sure to consider Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in your treatment plan and recovery strategy.
Cancer is a diagnosis that may leave you feeling frightened and powerless, but it is important to have hope. In many cases, cancer is a curable disease, especially when detected early. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can not only reduce the side effects of standard Western medical therapies like radiation and chemotherapy, but they can also harmonize the body’s energy and tonify the immune system to help fight cancer. Cancer is a blanket term for a group of diseases that occur when the body’s cells begin to reproduce abnormally and damage healthy tissues.
Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners take a whole body (holistic) approach with health care. In addition to acupuncture, you TCM practitioner may suggest Chinese herbs, nutrition advice, massage and/or vitamin supplements. The goal is to treat the entire person, not just the disease. Accordingly, the patient’s lifestyle, overall health and emotional state are considered when diagnosing and treating cancer in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help to relieve nausea and vomiting, post-surgical pain, and fatigue resulting from cancer treatments like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. It is important to take into consideration alternative healing treatments and health care options that can help you fight cancer and win. Acupuncture is preventative, it is a good way to continue treatment even when you’ve beaten cancer.